Merch Gallery

Crafts Gallery / Portfolio

Event Catalogue

Next attending event:
  Makers Quest  
14 September 2024 | Suntec CC lv3 Concourse | Free Admission

See you if you're coming! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡

Previous event catalogue:

Discontinued Merch

  • Some merch that I had made but have discontinued for reprint.

Current Merch

  • These are the items that I made and are available in my store!

Event Exclusive

FFXIV (forbidden gummy) Resin Job Stones

  Assorted design, made fresh for every event, each of them are unique!  

Acrylic Charms & Standee

Stickers / Stationery

Other Merch

Prints? (Some convention only, usually in small cards)

If you are interested to get any of these,
feel free to click the button below to browse at my shop!

Custom commission

  • These are fully-customized job stones that were requested by various commissioners.

  • The theme references were given by them, and designed by me.

  • These stones are not available to be re-requested (aka I will not make the same stone) unless requested by the original commissioner.

If you are interested to get a fully-customized stone,
feel free to click the button below for more info!

Custom comission status: OPEN

Requestable Designs

  • These are the requestable themes that I designed and crafted, mostly with job-related elements and themes!

  • These stones are available upon request via the 'skeb-style comms' from my shop.

  • These are also the stone designs that will likely make an appearance on any convention that I'll be tabling at! They will have a certain degree of variation for my convention stocks since I'd like them to be a little unique from each other everytime I craft!

If you are interested request any of these themes,
feel free to click the button below to my shop!

Skeb-style comission status: ALWAYS OPEN
(unless my shop is closed)

The Wolboba Project!

  • Wolboba is a craft project that I've started since 2021, where I put tiny job stones (and maybe your wol) into a boba cup shaker charm!

  • These are fully-customized based on each request, as they are designed specially according to their ffxiv jobs and their favourite things!

If you are interested to get a wolboba of your own,
feel free to click the link to see how to order!

Wolboba custom status: CLOSED

Standard Design FFXIV Crafts

  • These are all the FFXIV designs that I have crafted, which are currently available in my store :>


  • These are the job stones I designed with a standard theme.

  • If you have any theme suggestions, feel free to let me know below too!

Convocation Crystals

  • These are the convocation crystals I designed for the Ascians.

  • I used flowers that resemble them while implementing their canon convocation crystals' colour.

  • I also included the Ascian's quote and last words at the back of the crystal, each of them is then hand-shaved to form the bevelled shape and hand-polished to a shine.

Resin Keycaps

  • These are resin keycaps I designed based on each request!

  • Most of these are customs and event-adoptable.

Other Crafts

  • These are the other FFXIV-themed crafts I have done that do not fall into the main category!

If you are interested to get any of these,
feel free to click the button below to browse at my shop!

Coming Soon Items

  • These will be available soon in my store, so stay tuned!


Other Crafts

  • These are the other resin crafts that I've done / made that falls out of the ffxiv category!